The scimitar star wars
The scimitar star wars

the scimitar star wars the scimitar star wars

The vessel combines the clean lines of the traditional Romulan warbird with unique weaponry and styling. Delivered by means of a cascading biogenic pulse, the radiation affected everybody in the Senate chamber, turning their bodies into an ash-like substance which subsequently disintegrated. Thalaron was first used by Shinzon to assassinate the Romulan Senate, via a small generator planted by fellow conspirator, Senator Tal’aura.

the scimitar star wars

Also, the powerful thalaron radiation weapon with which it was also equipped was capable of stripping the life off a planet in a matter of seconds, though it took seven minutes to prepare. Having been designed for war, the Scimitar had 52 disruptor banks and 27 photon torpedo bays it was ready to take on any foe carrying roughly five times the armament of any other Romulan or Starfleet ship.

The scimitar star wars